Faculty Travel
GSS offers travel funding for all faculty members once every fiscal year (July 1st - June 30th). Research Faculty are eligible for SIPA and GSS online funds. Teaching and Adjunct Faculty are eligible for GSS online funds.
We have provided links to all applications below. Once completed, please submit to both our Associate Chair and Office Manager for approval and processing.
GSS online funds:
Those using GSS online funds MUST attend a panel regarding online instruction (or their research must be related to online instruction) and must also provide a brief report along with their receipts explaining what they learned and how they will apply it to their work.
Foreign destinations:
For foreign destinations, you MUST complete a foreign questionnaire first. You will receive an email with a link to complete this. Once you are done, please scroll back up to the top of the page and click 'Submit' in the top right corner to send your report for approval. If any expenses are being covered by an external organization, please indicate this to staff member. You can find more information regarding this process here: https://exportcontrol.fiu.edu/activities/travel-internationally/
Reimbursement process:
The reimbursement process takes place after your trip is completed. You will then submit all receipts for review and an Expense Report will be created for you. This MUST be done within 15 business days of your arrival. The reimbursement process can take up to a month and final figures are determined by the Travel office, NOT GSS.
*If you are unsure as to which category you fall into, please confirm with Associate Chair before submitting.