Graduate Programs

As an interdisciplinary department that combines Anthropology, Human Geography and Sociology, we are proud to offer both a PhD and MA in Global and Sociocultural Studies. Our department's faculty and graduate students specialize in research on three core, interlocking themes:

  • Identities and Inequalities
  • Migrations and Diasporas
  • Nature-Society

Both the MA and PhD programs draw on the strength of our faculty members' interdisciplinary commonalities, while also allowing students to gain a strong foundation in either Anthropology, Geography, or Sociology.

Resources for Current Students:


GSS Graduate Student Handbook: Graduate Student Handbook


UGS Policies and Procedures:


Grad Catalogs:


GSS Internal Forms:


Travel Funding:

  • When submitting for GSS, please send your completed form to our Associate Chair and Graduate Program Coordinator for review and approval.
  • When submitting for Green School funding, please send your completed form to our Graduate Program Coordinator, along with all required documentation, to gather signatures and submit for approval.
  • When submitting for GPSC funding, please insert Graduate Program Coordinator as your travel liaison.



  • GSS offers up to $500 of online funds for graduate travel once every fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th).
  • We have provided a link to the application below:

GSS Graduate Travel Funding Form


GSS online funds:

Those using GSS online funds MUST attend a panel regarding online instruction (or their research must be related to online instruction) and must also provide a brief report along with their receipts explaining what they learned and how it will benefit their online teaching.

Foreign destinations:

For foreign destinations, you MUST complete a foreign questionnaire first. You will receive an email with a link to complete this. Once you are done, please scroll back up to the top of the page and click 'Submit' in the top right corner to send your report for approval. If any expenses are being covered by an external organization, please indicate this to staff member. You can find more information regarding this process here:

Reimbursement process:

The reimbursement process takes place after your trip is completed. You will then submit all receipts for review and an Expense Report will be created for you. This MUST be done within 15 business days of your arrival. For foreign transactions, we will use Oanda Currency Conversion to determine the USD amount for your reimbursement. The reimbursement process can take up to a month and final figures are determined by the Travel office, NOT GSS.

Fiscal year:

Since our fiscal year begins on July 1st, the financials sytem is typically closed 1-2 weeks before, so any travel taking place in June must be closed out as soon as possible to avoid delays in reimbursement. If planning travel for the next fiscal year, your TA will be submitted for $10 to avoid any issues with budgeting for the new year. The amount you are eligible for will still be noted on the authorization and will be applied to your expense report after your trip takes place.



♦  To present a research paper at a professional conference/meeting
♦  To support travel to research sites
♦  To interview for academic positions

♦  Complete the application form.
♦  Provide a copy of current, unofficial FIU transcript.
♦  Provide a copy of the approved Travel Authorization Request Form (TAR).
♦  Provide documentation on the purpose of travel (e.g., conference acceptance, plans to visit a
    research site, invitation to interview for an academic position, etc.).
♦  Obtain signature from the Graduate Program Director by sending to graduate program coordinator for processing.
♦  Submit complete packet to at least 2 weeks prior to travel.

Up to $400

At least 2 weeks prior to travel.

♦  Green School graduate students can be awarded up to $400 each fiscal year (July 1 ‐ June
30) if they meet the eligibility criteria.
♦  No more than 60 awards will be made across the Green School each fiscal year. If the total
cap is reached, no more awards applications will be considered regardless of eligibility.
♦  All travel requires an approved Travel Authorization and must meet all applicable University
and Green School travel policies and guidelines. Graduate students should contact their
department’s graduate staff regarding travel procedures and guidelines.
♦  Incomplete applications, or applications submitted less than 2 weeks before travel, will
not be accepted/considered. No exceptions.

SIPA Travel Funding Request Form



To apply for GPSC travel funds, please click on the link below.

GPSC Travel Funding Information



- After this application is approved , a TA can be submitted on your behalf in PantherSoft. This
must be approved BEFORE you can make any purchases. If you purchase anything before this
approval, you will NOT be reimbursed.

- You can arrive at your destination no earlier than ONE day before your event begins and
depart no later than ONE day after it ends. If you have to fly earlier or later, you MUST provide a
flight comparison that shows it would've been more expensive to follow this rule. If you don't,
no reimbursement will be given. All airfare purchases must be in Economy.

- If driving to your destination instead, you must use either MapQuest or the State of Florida DOT map to show point of origin to the point of destination for all routes taken. The current mileage reimbursement rate is 0.445 per mile for official travel. You must also provide a comparable airfare quote and the lesser of the two amounts will be reimbursed.

- All receipts must be turned into staff member once trip concludes. If you lose a receipt, there is
a chance you will NOT be reimbursed. Credit card statements are not accepted as proof of payment. For airfare receipt, please provide a detailed one showing days/times you arrived and departed. Please also include a conference/research agenda/schedule, and translation on each receipt if it is in a foreign language.  Membership receipts are not reimbursable. Expense reports must be completed within 15 business days of your arrival.

- Food receipts are not required since a per diem is given based on your destination and length of trip. Per diem will not be reimbursed for any meals provided by the conference/event.

- Please note that nightly hotel limits are imposed by the U.S. General Services Administration
and the Department of Defense that depend on your destination within and outside of the US. You can view allowable lodging rates here:

Sociology, Anthropology & Geography Graduate Students Association (SAGGSA)

For further information, please contact:

SAGGSA President: Luis Garcia
Vice President: Jorge Rodriguez
Treasurer: Subomi Babawale
RSO: Jeison Oviedo Mercado

GSS Graduate Program Director:

Qing Lai, Associate Professor | Graduate Program Director
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 313
Tel: 305.348.6663 | Email:

GSS Graduate Program Coordinator:

Neylin Rodriguez, MPA | Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 300C
Tel: 305.348.3638 | Email:

GSS Graduate Program Coordinator (2/17/25 to 5/23/25):

Sara Borde | Temporary Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: Modesto A. Maidique Campus, SIPA 300
Tel: 305.348.3638 | Email: