Faculty Books

Madera Rodriguez, Sheilla, Varas-Diaz, Nelson (2024) https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781666935974/The-Bad-Bunny-Enigma-Culture-Resistance-and-Uncertainty

Levenson, Zachary (2022) Delivery as Dispossession - Paperback - Zachary Levenson - Oxford University Press (oup.com)

Patil, Vrushali (2022) Webbed Connectivities: The Imperial Sociology of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality. 

Athayde, Simon (2022) Values Assessment Summary for Policy-Makers. 

Varas-Diaz, Nelson (2021) Decolonial Metal Music in Latin America. 

Athayde, Simone (2020) Rios, Terras, e Culturas: Aprendendo com o Sistema Sociologico do Tocantins. 

Grove, Kevin, Wakefield, Stephanie, and Chandler, David (2020) Resilience in the Anthropocene

Neumann, Roderick (2019) Contemporary Human Geography

Grove, Kevin (2018) Resilience

Varas-Diaz, Nelson (2016) Heavy Metal Music and The Communal Experience

Oslender, Ulrich (2016). The Geographies of Social Movements: Afro-Colombian Mobilization and the Aquatic Space

Grenier, Guillermo and Moebius, Corinna (2015) A History of Little Havana

Smith, Benjamin (2015). Market Orientalism: Cultural Economy and the Arab Gulf States

Marr, Matthew (2015). Better Must Come: Exiting Homelessness in Two Global Cities

Rahier, Jean Muteba (2014) Blackness in the Andes

Oslender, Ulrich (2014). Bridging Scholarship and Activism

Mahler, Sarah J. (2013). Culture as Comfort. Many Things You Know About Culture (But Might Not Realize) 

Stepick, Alex and Rey, Terry. Foreword by Archbishop Thomas Wenski. (2013) Crossing the Water and Keeping the Faith. Haitian Religion in Miami

Erazo, Juliet (2013) Governing Indigenous Territories, Enacting Sovereignty in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Rahier, Jean Muteba (2013) Kings for Three Days, The Play of Race & Gender in an Afro-Ecuadorian Festival

Rahier, Jean Muteba (2012) Black Social Movements in Latin America: From Monocultural Mestizaje to Multiculturalism 

Rahier, Jean Muteba, Percy Hintzen, and Felipe Smith (Eds) (2010). Global Circuits of Blackness: Interrogating the African Diaspora. 

Hollander, Gail (2008). Raisin' Cane in the Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and the Transformation of Florida 

Padilla, Mark (2007) Caribbean Pleasure Industry

Pérez-Stable, Marifeli (Ed.) (2007) Looking Forward: Comparative Perspectives on Cuba's Transformation, foreword by Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Finalist in Political Science category, Choice Magazine's Book of the Year Award for 2007.